1. Our Payment Methods
    1. We are committed to providing secure online payment facilities. All transactions are encrypted using appropriate encryption technology.
    2. Whether the Goods are for sale by Lunostores or a Third Party Seller, payment may be made for Goods via the following methods (depending on its availability and/or your eligibility to use such a method) –
      1. debit/credit card payment;

        Using credit cards is still one of the most convenient ways to shop online. Below are our accepted debit and credit cards:

        • VISA and Mastercard Credit card.
        • VISA and Mastercard Debit card.

        Credit/debit card payments are done through the secure third-party payment service Flutterwave. Lunostores does not keep any of your personal credit/debit card information.

      2. electronic funds transfer or LunoPay: if you pay via electronic funds transfer or LunoPay, payment must be made within 5 (five) days of placing your order. Lunostores will not accept your order if payment has not been received;
      3. Instant EFT: With Instant EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) you can make safe online payments directly from your internet banking. You don’t need a credit card or debit card to be able to make payment.
      4. Unlike your traditional EFT solutions, with instant EFT your funds clear immediately without additional fees and no proof of payment is required to show for your purchase.

        These banks allow for instant EFTs: Absa, African Bank, Capitec, FNB, Investec, Nedbank, Standard Bank, TymeBank.

        This facility is made possible through the secure third-party payment service Flutterwave. Lunostores does not keep any of your banking information.

      5. Lunostores Voucher: Payments can also be completed easily using our Lunostores voucher, simply get your in-app wallet funded and proceed with selecting the Voucher payment option during checkout.
    3. The above payment options are explained in more detail in our Help Centre: Payment, which are incorporated by reference.
    4. You may contact us via our Help Centre to obtain a full record of your payment. We will also send you email communications about your order and payment.
    5. Once you have selected your payment method, you will be directed to a link to a secure site for payment of the applicable purchase price for the Goods.

Your payments are secure

We always encrypt and secure any transmitted data via a Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Your credit card information is encrypted and protected with the best electronic and administrative safeguards via our payment provider Flutterwave. Flutterwave is a Payment Card Industry Data System Security (PCI DSS) Level 1 Certification entity and is certified with the Payment Association of South Africa as a Systems Operator and a Third Party Payment Provider.

3D Secure is used for any Credit and Debit card transactions to ensure that payments are officially authorised through your bank’s website via a One Time Pin (OTP). This is an additional layer of security and registration for 3D secure is simple; it’s managed by South African Banks and you will be prompted to register for this service during your first online shopping experience with us.

Ozow that facilitates our Instant-Instant EFT payments via PayU, is a Payment Card Industry Data System Security (PCI DSS) Level 1 Certification entity.

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